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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6227
6226  |  6228
Re: Responsible Hunting (was Re: We are what we eat. Or is that "whom we eat?")
Sun, 30 Jul 2000 14:15:33 GMT
2595 times

OK, I'm done now.  Just my opinions, and I think all the hunters out there
would agree with me.

And some of the non-hunters as well. I personally don't hunt, don't personally
care for it, but I think it's a good skill to have. And I wish all hunters
were as thoughtful as Chris. Hunters indeed were the first conservationists.


Thanks Larry.  I attribute my thoughtfullness and values to my father.  He's
taught me to respect the animals and the land, all that good stuff.  I wish
all hunters could have a positive influence such as this.  If they did, maybe
we wouldn't have to deal with the drunked up idiots with guns out there in the

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Responsible Hunting (was Re: We are what we eat. Or is that "whom we eat?")
(...) <snip> (...) And some of the non-hunters as well. I personally don't hunt, don't personally care for it, but I think it's a good skill to have. And I wish all hunters were as thoughtful as Chris. Hunters indeed were the first conservationists. (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jul-00, to

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