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 Off-Topic / Debate / 5038
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Re: (Ten Commmandment discussion with School, etc.) Was: Re: Mormon bashing again
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:24:33 GMT
821 times
In, Susan Hoover writes:

Too many parents are abdicating their responsibility in
this respect, and then complaining when the instrument of government
doesn't raise their children as they want them raised.

Agreed.  When people refuse or fail to be self-governed, then the government
will take over that office.  The U.S. government has over-legislated because a
great many people have abdicated personal responsibility and duty.  People fail
to give their children adequate sex education, so "The System" steps in and
tries to do it instead.  I'd wager that there are hundreds of thousands of laws
relating to public health issues and quality standards; many of which would be
unnecessary if individuals would assume the personal responsibility to be honest
and to produce safe, quality products.  Again, we will all be governed, but it
is our choice whether we choose to exchange the self-government of freely-acting
upon our moral intuitions for Official government legislation and watchfulness.
Government has grown so big because as a nation our personal moral initiative
has become bankrupt.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: (Ten Commmandment discussion with School, etc.) Was: Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) Thank you! Too many parents are abdicating their responsibility in this respect, and then complaining when the instrument of government doesn't raise their children as they want them raised. (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to

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