Religious freedom in Libertopia (Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 12:56:24 GMT
1374 times
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"Scott E. Sanburn" wrote:
> Larry,
> > Because christianity is one of the most obnoxious religions in many
> > different ways, and shutting it down might result in a little less
> > strife and more freedom for everyone?
> Wow, Larry, that sounds more leftist than Libertarian.
Wasn't intended that way. I think your conventional rightist bias may be
coloring your read.
Reminder, I was speaking hypothetically. I'd never advocate shutting
down a religion because some members of it misused it to effect tyranny.
That would be like banning gasoline because some people used it to start
house fires. I'm merely peering into what OTHER people (who persecute
christians... I certainly don't, although I may annoy some of them)
might be using as justification.
> I hope there will
> still be room for us "obnoxious Christians" in Libertopia (Liberatopia?
> SP?), or will we be banned as well?
Who says you're obnoxious? Burned anyone at the stake lately? *THAT'S*
obnoxious. Leave that sort of behaviour behind and you'd be very happy
in Libertopia. As long as you can deal with others not believing in what
you believe in, and acting on their own beliefs in ways that don't
interfere with yours, you'll be fine.
Remember, in Libertopia you don't have the right not to be offended by
what you see done on other people's property. But you do have the right
to ensure they don't do it on YOUR property.
Larry Pieniazek - - Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.
Note: this is a family forum!
Message has 1 Reply:
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 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| Larry, (...) Wow, Larry, that sounds more leftist than Libertarian. I hope there will still be room for us "obnoxious Christians" in Libertopia (Liberatopia? SP?), or will we be banned as well? Scott S. ___...___ Scott E. Sanburn-> (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to
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