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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4591
    Re: Mormon bashing again —Erik Olson
   (...) Larry, could you at least mention the book's name? (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to
        Re: Mormon bashing again —Larry Pieniazek
    (...) I can't remember it just at the mo... all my SF is still packed. Might be _Grumbles from the Grave_. Or not. I could also be all wet, it WAS 1:30 AM when I posted that. (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to
        Re: Mormon bashing again —Erik Olson
   (...) OK, fair enough, maybe I'll read my copy. I have made a fair start into learning the background of science fiction authors. I don't think RAH or anyone else in that tier ever competed with LRH for the distinction of starting a religion. Having (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to

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