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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4198
4197  |  4199
Re: "Justice Probes eBay for Antitrust"
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 02:08:23 GMT
509 times
William A. Swanberg wrote in message ...

"Susan Olson" <> wrote in message


We agree to disagree on this one to some extent - somedays I wonder what • would
happen if the NSF (a government agency) hadn't decided to allow ecommerce • to be
born by just keeping the 'net as a big government research project into • new
means of communication. If you want to take it off topic ok by me, but • I've said
my peace.

Far be it from me to get in the middle of this one, law was about as far
from my college major as you can get.  But I do have to point out one • thing:
the NSF(??? perhaps you mean NSA) had/has very little to do with the
Internet.  The whole thing started as a research project by the Department
of Defense to look into decentralizing computer networks to protect against
nuclear attack.  The project was undertaken by DOD's Advanced Research
Projects Agency, hence the early name for the network, the ARPANET.  So at
least the Cold War was good for one thing, it created the Internet.  : )

If the DOD hadn't allowed the internet to expand beyond the government, it
would have just delayed the internet for a while. By the time the internet
started to be useful, Usenet was already very active in shuttling e-mail and
news around the world (well, mostly US at that time). It was clumsy, but I'm
sure something would have been cooked up to make it easier. Also note that
well into the timeframe that the internet became viable, various BBS
protocols were also operating to exchange e-mail and discussion groups
(especially Fidonet, but there were others).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Justice Probes eBay for Antitrust"
"Susan Olson" <> wrote in message [snip] (...) would (...) to be (...) new (...) I've said (...) Far be it from me to get in the middle of this one, law was about as far from my college major as you (...) (25 years ago, 6-Feb-00, to

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