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 Off-Topic / Debate / 28209
28208  |  28210
Re: illogical behavior ;)
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 22:12:22 GMT
8738 times
In, Thomas Stangl wrote:
Bob Parker wrote:
In, David Koudys wrote:
So here's a hypothetical situation--

Bob had a pretty 'transgressive' start to life.  He had gotten into some
unlawful mischief in his youth, but, through 'doing time', community service,
and such, the law now states that he has absolved all transgressions.

Now Bob is a productive worker in society, and a fine contributor to his
local community.  However, when he's at the local PTA meeting, someone steps
up and says, "Why that Bob!! He was a bad seed before!! He should be

Did you have to use "Bob"?  It's not THAT common of a name, is it?... ;-)

Well, he could have used Tom, Dick, or Harry, but then I would have had
to pipe up ;-)

You keep out of this, Harry.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: illogical behavior ;)
(...) Go figure; another Dave! Nice of you to drop by, Dave! What, did your a team of small girls in Africa send you a "heads up" of mirth and frivolity? :-) I have a question for you if you have the time. John "Bob" Neal (18 years ago, 16-Feb-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: illogical behavior ;)
(...) Well, he could have used Tom, Dick, or Harry, but then I would have had to pipe up ;-) (18 years ago, 15-Feb-07, to

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