Re: illogical behavior ;)
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 22:12:22 GMT
8738 times
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In, Thomas Stangl wrote:
> Bob Parker wrote:
> > In, David Koudys wrote:
> > > So here's a hypothetical situation--
> > >
> > > Bob had a pretty 'transgressive' start to life. He had gotten into some
> > > unlawful mischief in his youth, but, through 'doing time', community service,
> > > and such, the law now states that he has absolved all transgressions.
> > >
> > > Now Bob is a productive worker in society, and a fine contributor to his
> > > local community. However, when he's at the local PTA meeting, someone steps
> > > up and says, "Why that Bob!! He was a bad seed before!! He should be
> > > punished!!!"
> >
> > Did you have to use "Bob"? It's not THAT common of a name, is it?... ;-)
> Well, he could have used Tom, Dick, or Harry, but then I would have had
> to pipe up ;-)
You keep out of this, Harry.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: illogical behavior ;)
| (...) Go figure; another Dave! Nice of you to drop by, Dave! What, did your a team of small girls in Africa send you a "heads up" of mirth and frivolity? :-) I have a question for you if you have the time. John "Bob" Neal (18 years ago, 16-Feb-07, to, FTX)
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