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 Off-Topic / Debate / 26535
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Re: Two Questions and a Comment (was Re: A Community Problem)
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 17:00:15 GMT
9669 times
In, Dave Schuler wrote:
In, David Koudys wrote:

TLC's failings are directly related to this issue?  TO their 'poor decision

Nothing to do with the fact that the competitors are consitently making a poorer
quality product and therefore able to sell it cheaper, that they can get their
pieces made in China and have little to no 'moral integrity' to 'do the right
thing'.  Competitors, mind you, that sometimes even blatantly rip off the exact
set (a la ones from China) and TLC has to spend enormous resouces taking these
companies to court. Yep, nothing like that would affect TLC's financial bottom

I'd like to mention that legitimate competitors such as BTR and MegaBloks do not
engage in the illegal duplication of TLC's protected intellectual property, so
these two companies (at least) should be considered separate from those less
reputable corporations that *do* copy TLC's stuff.

I was referring to the direct kock-offs of TLC sets, and I apologize for
inadvertently lumping all 'building brick' competitors into the same mold.

It was my impression that TLC has recently decided to manufacture some of its
stock in China--am I incorrect in this regard?  If they have decided to do so,
then one can't really criticize TLC's competition for likewise manufacturing in
China.  Or, at least, they can't be criticized any more strongly than TLC can

The issue for me is that they may have to take, or already have taken, this
course of action to remain competitive.  It's not a biggie for me--almost
everything we buy these days has some ties to that country.  Since we're sending
money there anyway, what's a little more with the LEGO purchases.

As well, it is my belief that with a greater 'globalized' community, the more
the workers in China will benefit, as well as working on the
enviornmental/health issues.  But that's just my hope--the leaders of ROC may
just pocket lotsa money and the workers will still get paid a pittance.

We shall see what transpires.

It was also my impression that a victorious plantiff in an intellectual property
dispute can seek compensation from the defendant including the costs of
litigation.  Is this incorrect?  It would seem to mitigate the costs of
defending one's property (once they've litigated what's mitigated, I suppose.)

A personal issue that I just went thru with a government body, in which, after
many phone calls and letters and such, the situation was rectified with
relatively little financial expense on my part.  That said, I was not reimbursed
for my time and effort.  I mean, how can one bill those exactly?  'Billable
hours' naturally means that we can try, but tby the very fact that the company
has to put time and effort, as well as money, into litigation in the first
place, is bound to end up as a net loss, for you can't cover every jot and
tittle of the process.

But again, my opinion.

Also, I know vanishingly little about this kind of legal proceding, so for all I
know the plantiff might be required to pay a dollar to everyone whose name
begins with Q.


As long as no one litigates against guys named Dave!

Dave K

Message is in Reply To:
  Two Questions and a Comment (was Re: A Community Problem)
(...) I'd like to mention that legitimate competitors such as BTR and MegaBloks do not engage in the illegal duplication of TLC's protected intellectual property, so these two companies (at least) should be considered separate from those less (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to

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