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 Off-Topic / Debate / 25488
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Re: suspended Bricklink shops
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 14:47:11 GMT
4609 times
In, Tim Courtney wrote:
   I hope in the long run, competition forces Dan to grow up.

That sounds a little subjective

   His paranoia and

In what way is he paranoid?

   rash actions have created their fair share of fear in certain individuals

Now that sounds like paranoia.

   I’ve spoken with -- people who depend on BL far, far more heavily than I do (which is next to nothing). Dan’s service (the site) is great, but I’m very unimpressed with his administration of it, his choice of mouthpiece (official or unofficial, bridled or unbridled),

Now you sound paranoid.

   and the way he deals with his members.

Last month I had what I thought was a serious problem; I could not pay my BL fee due to a PAYPAL security issue The problem was dealt with to my complete satisfaction within minutes by return of e-mail. What problems have you had?

   It’s unfortunate for the community BL is effectively a monopoly.

It is fortunate for the community that BL exists.

Scott A

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: suspended Bricklink shops
(...) But the fact the TOS said what it did (summary action) isn't disputed, at least, I don't think. Did Dan have the right to ban Larry? Yes. Was it right for him to ban Larry, given the situation? No. Dan can do whatever the heck he wants with (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to,, FTX)

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