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 Off-Topic / Debate / 25427
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Re: suspended Bricklink shops
Mon, 23 Aug 2004 16:29:39 GMT
4187 times
In, Kevin Blocksidge wrote:

I think that the point Suz was trying to make is that often Lar is right.
Lar sees a problem, he doesn't stay quiet and live with it. He tried to fix
the problem.  In this case, he used something like civil disobedience to
make a point.

But the disobedient civilian must accept the price for his disobedience,
otherwise it's just posturing like a rhinoceros.  In the same way that a
journalist should be willing to go to jail to protect his treasonous source, a
Bricklink customer should be willing to accept the ban if he willingly violates
the TOS on principle.

It's not because it is "The Great Lar++", it is because Larry is consistently
acting in the best interest of the community.  If he didn't often point out
problems and than help fix him, he wouldn't be "The Great Lar++".

His history shows that people should consider what he says, not ban him for

As I read the thread-tree on Bricklink, he was banned for willful violation of
the TOS, in which case the ban is appropriate.  As has been pointed out
elsewhere, Lar has vocally supported the banning of TOS-violators, and he's
endorsed elaborate ceremonies of capitulation to reinstate those violators.
Therefore he should certainly be held to that same standard.

BL needs Lar, Lugnet needs Lar, the LEGO community needs Lar.  Why?  Because of
his insightful vision of how things should be.

If Lar disappeared today, or if you or I or LUGNET Member X disappeared today,
the community would absorb the loss in pretty short order.  Even if Todd or Suz
vanished suddenly, the community would struggle on (and I suspect that even
LUGNET would survive the loss, after a period of restructuring).  No one is
indispensible.  If nothing else, we'd move our conversations back to RTL until
something new popped up.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: suspended Bricklink shops
(...) I am not sure, but I haven't seen anything from Lar saying that he is mad or thinks he was treated unjust. If he has, I'll have to rethink my position (...) I agree, he was rightfully banned, no argueing there. But on the other hand, the rules (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: suspended Bricklink shops
(...) I think that the point Suz was trying to make is that often Lar is right. When Lar sees a problem, he doesn't stay quiet and live with it. He tried to fix the problem. In this case, he used something like civil disobedience to make a point. (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to,

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