| | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) Funny that--and if a group of men were to write up a list of, say, laws that I would like to follow, when would I want those laws to be written? Say, 200+ years ago before there were street lights, law enforcement, cars, and the like, or say, (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
 | | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) No problem, Dave. When you find an idea that improves upon the ideas of liberty and freedom, let us know. We haven't one yet. JOHN (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
 | | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) How about peace and love instead of bombing other countries? Last time I checked, freedom diodn't mean you're free to bomb Irak if you please and liberty didn't mean you have the liberty meant something more than limiting individual rights to (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
 | | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) So, you are saying that Canadians will completely trash by 2182 what was written in 1982? That the Canadians of 1982 were incompetent? Sounds like the problem is in Canada, not America. :-) (...) We have methods of change built in. By your (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
 | | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) Oh I love it when people say that others don't understand... throw the argeuement into question by alluding to ignorance or incompotence... nicely done. I'm well aware of the evolution of the laws. I'm also aware of the ability to strike and (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
 | | Re: Swift was Right! (He just named the wrong people...)
(...) What can I say? You set yourself up for the obvious. It needed to be said to draw you off your high horse, but you if you wish to remount... :-) (...) If we continue to pass judgment on it, then the document remains living, not simply a 200 (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jun-03, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)