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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20762
  Re: How it gels
(...) theories. This so-called "coverup" is nothing compared to a non-actionable 30-year-old mom&pop land deal or a sexual affair between two consenting adults. THOSE are the issues that the Liberal Media should be tackling. In all seriousness, I'm (...) (22 years ago, 1-May-03, to
  Re: How it gels
(...) "There's a crack in everything -- that's how the light gets in !" -- Leonard Cohen -- Hop-Frog (22 years ago, 1-May-03, to
  Re: How it gels
(...) Everybody knows the Dice are loaded, Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over, Everybody knows the good guys lost. Leonard Cohen right back at you, and it's a little more relevant than I am comfortable with (...) (22 years ago, 2-May-03, to

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