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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20709
  Re: Ne or Ni [monty python]
(...) I've always thought it was "Nee"! Fredrik (22 years ago, 25-Apr-03, to
  Re: Ne or Ni [monty python]
(...) Sorry to bring up an old thread (dons flame-resistant suit), but I've always thought it was 'ni.' But maybe that's just mi. I'd think 'nee' would be said 'nay.' At least in some countries. ekki ekki f'tang zwoop-boing bbmmbrwow ni -Tim (22 years ago, 24-Jul-03, to,
  Re: Ne or Ni [monty python]
(...) I decided to go straight to the source. A survey of numerous online sources shows a universal spelling of "ni". Now, I know to take what the intarweb says with a grain of salt, but 8 different websites can't all be lying, can they? Maybe they (...) (22 years ago, 24-Jul-03, to
  Re: Ne or Ni [monty python]
(...) The sound file that NeXT used to ship stock with NeXTSTEP was named "Ni.snd" (22 years ago, 24-Jul-03, to

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