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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20666
    Re: Free Speech, again —John Neal
   (...) Here in Minnesnoowda, we use an inflection of the voice at the end of a statement such as "That's how language grows" which in essence implies "Are you with me?" I never noticed how predominant it was until I moved away to Arizona for 7 years (...) (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to
        Re: Free Speech, again —James Brown
   (...) Heh. Nope. But I didn't realize until I left Canada and came back how much we really do say "eh" up here, eh? James (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to
        Re: Free Speech, again —John Neal
   (...) Come to think of it, it may be more of a Norwegian thing... (...) You betcha. JOHN (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to

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