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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19808
  Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
(...) I'll let the market (of ideas) decide. Oh wait, it did! You lost, Dave! (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to
  Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
(...) Really? Then why can I only choose from a field of one cable company in my area? Dave! (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to
  Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
(...) Because you have a coercive monopoly. A government granted that company a monopoly... But you know this already, Dave! What are you up to? (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to
  Re: Just Teasing, I Have No Intention of Debating Any of This...
(...) Yes, seriously--why is that? One cable company--I hate that. I don't want to go to satellite 'cause then I lose my internet connex, and I dislike High Speed dial-up, etc. But every few months, my cable bill goes up a couple of dollars, even (...) (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to

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