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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18117
18116  |  18118
Re: Vote against/for...
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 18:57:32 GMT
669 times
In, John Neal writes:

I think America did that.

Since Libertarians didn't sweep to stunning victories in most of their
races, I'm not sure I agree.

Like I said elsewhere, I fear for the country. Having the House, Senate and
White House all controlled by the same party (either one of the current two,
take your pick) is bad bad bad news.

The foxes are in all the henhouses and the chickens haven't come home to
roost yet. (if that isn't a mixed metaphor, I don't know what is!)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) "Most?" Dave! (22 years ago, 6-Nov-02, to
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) As far as you know, which isn't far. -John (22 years ago, 6-Nov-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Vote against/for...
(...) Sometimes we have no choice. (...) How about the world showing the US a little respect first. (...) Who would support this? (...) Who wouldn't vote for this? (...) I think America did that. -John (22 years ago, 6-Nov-02, to

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