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 Off-Topic / Debate / 16389
    Re: Peace in the Mid-East? —Scott Arthur
   (...) The quote demonstrated: a) Why Israel wanted the war. b) How they provoked it. (...) The battle was "mostly over". Israel was reluctant to advance substantially into Arab territory as they feared a counter attack by external powers (i.e. the (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to
        Re: Peace in the Mid-East? —John Neal
   (...) Israel tricked the Syrians. Fine. The purpose was to control the Golan Heights so as to provide a safe buffer between her and Syria. It was a completely *defensive* strategy. Has Israel used this strategic advantage against Syria in an (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to
        Re: Peace in the Mid-East? —Scott Arthur
   (...) Wrong. Read the quotes again. (...) Indeed. (...) We've covered that ground before. (...) How many years later? (...) Not quite. (...) He got it back because he *did* attack! His attack made Israel understand that they had to speak to him. (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to

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