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 Off-Topic / Debate / 15177
15176  |  15178
Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 00:26:59 GMT
5929 times
In, Allan Bedford writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:

Allan Bedford wrote:
I am NOT an AFOL, I do not find many of the things that make AFOLS giddy • to
be very interesting to me.  I am adult who enjoys 'building' with LEGO.

Adult who enjoys 'building' with LEGO sounds like an AFOL to me.

I guess I'm just not fond of labels.  If someone else wants to call themself
an AFOL I have no problem with that... it's just not for me.

But is not "adult who enjoys building with LEGO" as much a label as "adult • fan
of LEGO"? 8?)

Is someone who believes in God necessarily a Christian?

You miss my point. I am not making a comment as to which best describes you,
just that you've said you're not fond of labels, then promptly labelled

The answer to your question is obviously no, but "someone who believes in God"
is just as much a label as "Christian".


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
(...) I'm still missing your point I think. I don't recall labeling myself with anything. I did try to express a description to help folks understand me, but I really didn't define a label to attach to it. What label do you see that I've called (...) (23 years ago, 19-Dec-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: If you're an AFOL and you know it raise your hand (WAS: Blacksmith Shop)
(...) Is someone who believes in God necessarily a Christian? Regards, Allan B. Definitely NOT an AFOL (23 years ago, 18-Dec-01, to

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