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 Off-Topic / Debate / 12022
12021  |  12023
Re: Handgun Death Rate
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:58:42 GMT
675 times
In, Kirby Warden writes:
In, Scott Arthur writes:
Read what Chris said. Read my reply. Think about it. You will see what my
point is.

The only point you seem to be making is that guns kill and therefore they
must not be tolerated.

No. Does the film say that?

More than once you have asked me if this is the best that I can do.  I think
that I have done qite well in showing other perspectives of this issue.  If
guns were the only cause of violent death in America, I might actually
consider the banning of them, however, they are not.  Other forms of lethal

So that is all a gun is : a luxury. I prefer a good bottle of wine any day.
Or maybe new brakes for my bike (if any one is interested : I have ceramic
517's with Avid AR 4.0, but I do fancy some disks).

Scott A

have been banned here at far more cost than the initial problem

Do you even live here?

I have the impression that you simply don't like guns.  That is fine.
Personally, I don't like mad cow disease, but am not petitioning the culling
of cattle all across the world.

I don't like narcotics, yet drink far more than my share of caffeinated soda.

Many people here have given you more than ample reason why guns should not
be banned but merely handled better.  You simply site the same thing over
and over again, "guns kill so get rid of them".

Enough is enough.  Get off of it already and find something to debate that
you can actually contribute tangible arguments to.

Yes, this is probably the best that I can do, though somewhat passionate and
emmotional at this point in the debate, I think I've done far better than you.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) I must have missed the film. But that is what *YOU* seem to be saying. (...) Guns are a very popular luxury indeed. And so are telephones and automobiles. All of which have some very serious uses. (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) The only point you seem to be making is that guns kill and therefore they must not be tolerated. More than once you have asked me if this is the best that I can do. I think that I have done qite well in showing other perspectives of this (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to

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