Re: Handgun Death Rate
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:55:39 GMT
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In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> >
> > > I'm sorry, perhaps I should be more specific: the would-be gun owner needs
> > > to PASS a strict test in addition. No, it won't be perfect - nothing ever is.
> >
> > I support the notion that people ought to be competent users of any powerful
> > tool, especially one as powerful as a gun. However...
> >
> > My objection to an apriori training requirement (rather than an aposteriori
> > lawsuit for negligent behaviour) is a weak one, but it exists nonetheless,
> > and is this.
> >
> > We have the lesson in our recent past of literacy tests that any white could
> > pass but even a college grad in english lit who happened to be black could
> > not. Similarly, I fear the unscrupulous opponents of guns within the
> > government would use this mechanism to keep all from owning, or all except
> > their cronies.
> This is an interesting point, but I think it can be avoided if it is a
> Federal test, not a state or other local test. Since the test should be
> done in conjunction with the training course, there shouldn't be a problem:
> if it ain't in the course, it ain't on the test.
> > As an illustration of this I offer the factoid which I heard somewhere (and
> > which may be false but I tend to doubt it) that says that machine guns are
> > not outlawed per se, they just have been taxed (by the BATF, as it happens)
> > to the point that civilians can no longer acquire new ones. This passed
> > constitutional muster where banning them outright did not. (which shows how
> > critical the need for clarity in parts of the constitution is)
> Fully automatic weapons are banned - you can't buy them for any amount of
> money (legally). You can buy semi-automatic versions of the same weapons
> *and* legally buy the parts to upgrade them to fully automatic. Or at least
> used to - it's not something I keep up on.
I assume the resultant gun is then illegal?
Scott A
> Or so my understanding goes - don't base your purchasing habits on what I said.
> :-)
> Bruce
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 | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) This is an interesting point, but I think it can be avoided if it is a Federal test, not a state or other local test. Since the test should be done in conjunction with the training course, there shouldn't be a problem: if it ain't in the (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
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