Re: Handgun Death Rate
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 19:48:35 GMT
496 times
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In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
<<We are all a part of the militia and to be so without weaponry is foolish
and irresponsible. Americans have not only a right to bear arms, but in my
opinion a responsibility so that they are capable of defending what they
hold dear.>>
Ah good. I was just looking for the part in the thread where someone
actually stated this fine point. And I don't think it's a personal opinion
only, I think it is the very reason we have the second amendment. Without
guns, you are ultimately at the mercy of your governing body -- such power
tends to have a corrupting effect.
Just look at the garbage decisions we have been letting the Supreme Court
foist upon us if you want a gauge of the arrogance of power. Anyone who
doesn't think we had a fixed presidential election, or at the very least a
deeply corrupted election process, this last time around just hasn't been
paying attention. I have my VERY serious doubts that Bush Jr. can be said
to have legitimately won the last election. Bush is fortunately about as
hurtful to our society as your average *really crappy* president; but if he
were a serious tyrant, I'd be happy for my gun and the guns in the hands of
Freemen bear arms in the United States, just like the nobility of old
England used to keep arms and men at the ready for HM. It's just that over
here in the states, we don't want HM getting too big for his/her own
britches! And WE ARE THE STATE, there is no political authority greater than
that of the people, excepting the respected rights of individuals. Sounds
pretty good to me...
-- Hop-Frog
FREEMAN. One who is in the enjoyment of the right to do whatever he pleases,
not forbidden by law. One in the possession of the civil rights enjoyed by,
the people generally. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 164. See 6 Watts, 556.
-- Bouvier's Law Dictionary
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 | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) Conveniently, we don't live in such fear. (...) Thanks for telling me my mind. But it turns out that you're wrong. I want, regardless of what others have, the maximally effective death-flinging device. I want that so that I am prepared for (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to
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