Re: Handgun Death Rate
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 14:56:25 GMT
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > It could be argued that handgun/gun ownership actually restricts freedoms. I
> > would feel a little oppressed if I knew that behind the twitching curtains
> > in my area lurked a potential gun. Or if during an argument in a bar between
> > two strangers a gun could be pulled.
> I don't know if that's a tenable stance; one could as easily argue that a
> knife-wielding madman lurks in the bushes, but that doesn't mean we should
> outlaw knives *or* bushes.
One would hope not. However, knife-wielding madmen are rare - thankfully!
> The only material difference between a gun and a
> knife (or a club, or whatever) is the fact that it's a ranged weapon. I
> can, under most circumstances, run away from a guy with a knife, but I
> can't, under most circumstances, outrun a bullet.
> For what it's worth, I would like to see a decline of handgun possession
> and use, but I don't think it's necessary or appropriate (or, realistically,
> possible) to legislate a unilateral gun ban.
How would you see the reduction happening - education? Or perhaps reducing
the type of guns up for sale?
Scott A
> Dave!
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 | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) I don't know if that's a tenable stance; one could as easily argue that a knife-wielding madman lurks in the bushes, but that doesn't mean we should outlaw knives *or* bushes. The only material difference between a gun and a knife (or a club, (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to
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