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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10581
10580  |  10582
Re: I'm back... (Clarified! )
Mon, 28 May 2001 18:57:52 GMT
92 times
Whoops, don't normally reply to myself but:

Yeah, that's exactly why I can't figure out what to make of all this, and
why I generally don't directly participate in debates. Not because I don't
have an opinion (although basically I think he had many valid points but
went about expressing them in an unfortunate way), but often people are

And while he may have had valid points, it IS Todd's server, he's paying for
it, and so I think you should have to abide by his rules. (C'mon, there must
be a way to get what you both want in an amicable fashion?) And sorry for
not moving this to off-topic debate sooner. Oops.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I'm back... (Clarified! )
"A. Mark Wilburn" <> wrote in message (...) Well said. I agree 100%. -Tim (24 years ago, 29-May-01, to

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