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Re: A nice summer surprise
lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general,
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:55:50 GMT
71 times
In lugnet.trains, Harvey Henkelman writes:
This may be CDS (Compartment Dork Syndrome) but here goes...

My family has just returned from up north and they brought back...a huge tub
of LEGO®!!! Actually they had gotten it from an aunt who had stored them for
7-8 years. Upon going through the collection of pieces, I found quite a few
that were yellowed and beaten up pretty bad. However, after close
examination it was revealed that all the crappy bricks were...gasp...Tyco
blocks! I was relieved, because it was the LEGO® that had stood the test of
time (mint condition). I had always wanted to watch clone bricks melt and
burn, but didn't want to spend my precious money on these pieces of crap.
Thanks to my aunt, I'm 4000-5000 pieces richer AND I get to torch the

Does anyone have similar experiences to share with the LUGNET community?
My collection has a (very) few megabloks :-( They're still white and I know
Even the dirt and dust won't touch it :)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A nice summer surprise
(...) Nothing wrong with an anti-clone statement here. After all, this is the LEGO® Users Group Network. I woundn't expect a Republican to campaign at a Democrat convention anyway (to cite a parallel) Clone bricks are the ENEMY here, they undermine (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general,
  Re: A nice summer surprise
(...) Heh. Well, all I can say is that I've been overwhelmingly delighted with MegaBloks sets over the past five years, and overwhelmingly disappointed with LEGO during that same time frame (with the notable and commendable exceptions of some of the (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  A nice summer surprise
This may be CDS (Compartment Dork Syndrome) but here goes... My family has just returned from up north and they brought back...a huge tub of LEGO®!!! Actually they had gotten it from an aunt who had stored them for 7-8 years. Upon going through the (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general,  

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