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Re: Kiddicraft by Hilary Page 1947
Thu, 24 Aug 2006 19:11:44 GMT
237 times
Yes, as we can see Kiddicraft was the pre-cursor to the Lego brick.

Back in 1949-50 they had only 5 colors of Lego bricks, red, white, yellow, light
green, and what can best be described as "peacock blue".  By 1950 TLG was
releasing to their Danish retailers a form of "Pick-A-Brick" at their retail
outlets, and the color range expanded to an additional 5 colors of bricks...
include light blue, blue, dark green, gray and clear.  So by 1951 there were
about 10 Lego colors (and still only 2 brick sizes).

The window/door colors available in the early 1950's were red, white, yellow,
light blue, dark blue and light green.

Gary Istok

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Kiddicraft by Hilary Page 1947
(...) For those who are interested, Pics of the toy can be seen here: (URL) is also a history of the Lego bricks themselves there. Danny (18 years ago, 24-Aug-06, to,

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