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  Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) I had to dust off some obscure 'How to use LUGNET' memories and read the entire thread. The Usual Suspects from Back in the Day (tm) were present in this thread which was awesome to read... The usual admonishment of ++Lars pontifications were (...) (2 years ago, 5-Apr-23, to, FTX)
  Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) Who are you and what are you doing in my personal sand box?? Dave K (2 years ago, 5-Apr-23, to, FTX)
  Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 4/1/2023)
AS-CNJ03-06 Figure, accessory: small brush, black bristles, dull gold handle <<https://brickshelf...6-12.png>> AS-DPK86-12 Figure, accessory: small brush, black bristles, gray handle <<https://brickshelf...6-12.png>> AS8027903 Figure, accessory: (...) (2 years ago, 1-Apr-23, to, FTX)
  Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) And then there's this: < Once cherished in Miami, Elián González is set to become a legislator in Cuba> (2 years ago, 23-Mar-23, to, FTX)
  Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 3/1/2023)
Averaged one part per day for the month of February. AM77190 Bar 8 long with triple bend for a net 90 degree angle <<https://brickshelf...7190.png>> AM80270 Brick 1 x 1 round half-height with small peg at top <<https://brickshelf...0270.png>> (...) (2 years ago, 2-Mar-23, to, FTX)

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