| | Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) Who are you and what are you doing in my personal sand box?? Dave K (2 years ago, 5-Apr-23, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 4/1/2023)
AS-CNJ03-06 Figure, accessory: small brush, black bristles, dull gold handle <<https://brickshelf...6-12.png>> AS-DPK86-12 Figure, accessory: small brush, black bristles, gray handle <<https://brickshelf...6-12.png>> AS8027903 Figure, accessory: (...) (2 years ago, 1-Apr-23, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) And then there's this: <https://archive.ph/...44-1399.97 Once cherished in Miami, Elián González is set to become a legislator in Cuba> (2 years ago, 23-Mar-23, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 3/1/2023)
Averaged one part per day for the month of February. AM77190 Bar 8 long with triple bend for a net 90 degree angle <<https://brickshelf...7190.png>> AM80270 Brick 1 x 1 round half-height with small peg at top <<https://brickshelf...0270.png>> (...) (2 years ago, 2-Mar-23, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 1/23/2023)
AM19162 Bar, angled handle on small peg <<https://brickshelf...9162.png>> AM17150 Bar, angled with horizontal socket on 1 x 2 base <<https://brickshelf...7150.png>> AM80958 Bracket 2 x 2 vertical plate on 2 x 2 tile <<https://brickshelf...0958.png>> (...) (2 years ago, 24-Jan-23, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 02/01/2022)
AM72244 Connector: pin with axle <<https://hosting.ph...2244.PNG>> AM80181 Connector: pin, small, with conical spike, flexible <<https://hosting.ph...0181.PNG>> AS9694003 Engine component: intake turbine 2 x 2 black with orange detail (...) (3 years ago, 2-Feb-22, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 01/01/2022)
AM17395 Arch 1 x 2 x 4 with slight overhang <<https://hosting.ph...7395.PNG>> AM72890 Arch 1 x 3 x 8 <<https://hosting.ph...2890.PNG>> AM17240 Brick 2 x 2 round with vertical spines around perimeter <<https://hosting.ph...7240.PNG>> AM77341 (...) (3 years ago, 1-Jan-22, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 12/1/2021)
AS9643233 Baseplate 10 x 10 gray with dark gray crossroads <<https://hosting.ph...3233.PNG>> AS964213 Baseplate 10 x 10 green with dark gray crossroads <<https://hosting.ph...4213.PNG>> AS9643203 Baseplate 10 x 10 green with dark gray crossroads (...) (3 years ago, 1-Dec-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
TORSO PARTS<<https://hosti...obom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...o000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...o001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...o002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...o003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...o004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
RIGHT ARM PARTS<<https://hosti...rbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...r000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...r001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...r002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...r003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...r004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
LEFT FOREARM PARTS<<https://hosti...lbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...l000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...l001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...l002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...l003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...l004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
LEFT UPPER ARM PARTS<<https://hosti...lbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...l005.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...l006.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...l007.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...l000.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...l001.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
HIPS PARTS<<https://hosti...sbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...s000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...s001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...s002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...s003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...s004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
RIGHT LEG PARTS<<https://hosti...rbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...r000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...r001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...r002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...r003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...r004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
LEFT LEG PARTS<<https://hosti...lbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...l000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...l001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...l002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...l003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...l004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
FOOT (X2) PARTS<<https://hosti...tbom.PNG>> STEP 1<<https://hosting.p...t000.png>> STEP 2<<https://hosting.p...t001.png>> STEP 3<<https://hosting.p...t002.png>> STEP 4<<https://hosting.p...t003.png>> STEP 5<<https://hosting.p...t004.png>> STEP (...) (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | UNSC Kodiak (Mega Construx Halo MOC)
Built this several years ago but only recently figured out how to generate the instructions. UNSC Kodiak, medium-duty combat support mech. <<https://hosting.ph...sc03.jpg>> (3 years ago, 7-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 11/2/2021)
AS9643232 Baseplate 10 x 10 gray with dark gray 90 degree curve <<https://hosting.ph...3232.PNG>> AS9642219 Baseplate 10 x 10 tan with dark gray straight road <<https://hosting.ph...2219.PNG>> AM80747 Bracket 2 x 2 x 8 (...) (3 years ago, 3-Nov-21, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: Latest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
FIG94600-5 Body part: Spongebob, arm, plain <<https://hosting.ph...6005.PNG>> FIG946471-6 Body part: Spongebob, eyes, caveman's <<https://hosting.ph...4716.PNG>> FIG94600-6 Body part: Spongebob, eyes, plain <<https://hosting.ph...6006.PNG>> (...) (4 years ago, 21-Dec-20, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Re: Latest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM78916 Arch 1 x 2 x 3 half arch <<https://hosting.ph...8916.PNG>> AM78187 Bar 11 studs long, thin <<https://hosting.ph...8187.PNG>> AS964212 Baseplate 10 x 10 green with dark gray 90 degree curve <<https://hosting.ph...4212.PNG>> AM16281 Baseplate (...) (4 years ago, 15-Dec-20, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)