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  Re: Ron Paul: idiot then, idiot now
(...) Well, "active" might be a bit of an optimistic overstatement, but I certainly peek in from time to time. Still, I'm happy to learn that my favorite Selçuk is still around! Dave! (5 years ago, 5-May-20, to, FTX)
  Test for the new server
Does it work? (5 years ago, 3-May-20, to
  Re: Ron Paul: idiot then, idiot now
(...) Wow, both of my most favorite Daves are *still* active in Lugnet/dabate. How wonderful is that? :-) Cheers mates, Selçuk (5 years ago, 25-Mar-20, to, FTX)
  Re: Ron Paul: idiot then, idiot now
(...) I would just leave the customary 'yep', but posting won't allow that I've changed or modified my thoughts on a great many issues and stuff over the years since we were all hard-core posting all the time in O.T-D. But what fundamentally hasn't (...) (5 years ago, 24-Mar-20, to, FTX)
  Ron Paul: idiot then, idiot now
<https://www.newswee...1584916232 Read here.> At a time when all non-idiots worldwide are taking action to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, a certain chorus of career idiots happily spreads false information to create the idiot illusion (...) (5 years ago, 23-Mar-20, to, FTX)
  Re: So, uh, how we all doing?
(...) A breath of fresh air in here! (as are all Dave's posting in here!) Dave K (5 years ago, 20-Mar-20, to
  Re: So, uh, how we all doing?
(...) And you are.... ? Dave K (5 years ago, 20-Mar-20, to
  So, uh, how we all doing?
I'm in western Pennsylvania, where cases have not yet popped up in large numbers, but I have friends nationwide (and, to a lesser extent, worldwide), and many of them are in much worse situations than I find myself. How is everyone (that is, (...) (5 years ago, 20-Mar-20, to
Because I recently got into an extremely brief discussion with a good friend on Twitter (Hi Lar++), I've paused to consider my 'beliefs' (for lack of a better term). Starting here, oh so many years ago, I've had to re-evaluate my conceptions and (...) (5 years ago, 9-Jan-20, to
  Re: Where did all the fun go?
(...) Clearly. Dave K (5 years ago, 15-Nov-19, to

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