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  Neuer Versuch
und? (10 years ago, 6-Mar-15, to
  test post
test via nntp (10 years ago, 6-Mar-15, to
  THis is a test
for the new server setup - curious if it will work already... (10 years ago, 6-Mar-15, to
  Re: Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM17835 Brick 1 x 2 half dome (URL) AM72257 Brick 1 x 2.67 x 3 half-curve top (URL) AM19090 Door 4 x 6 x 1 barred (URL) AM19530 Slope plate 1 x 1 (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 28-Feb-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM17788 Brick 1 x 1 x 2 curved slope (URL) AM19650 Connector, pin, small with perpendicular hand grip (URL) AM09625 Hinge brick 1 x 4 bottom (URL) AM09624 Hinge brick 1 x 4 top (URL) AM19783 Plate 6 x 6 with 4 x 4 round hole at center (URL) AM18624 (...) (10 years ago, 16-Feb-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM74971 Plate 2 x 2 with raised spoiler (URL) AM18228 Plate 3 x 3 wedge, right (URL) AM74820 Slope brick 15 3 x 5 wedge (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 10-Feb-15, to, FTX)
  Re: Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM18229 Plate 3 x 3 wedge, right (URL) AM74820 Slope brick 15 3 x 5 wedge (URL) AM18736 Slope brick 36 2 x 4 triple (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 5-Feb-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM19900 Connector, clip, small triple (URL) AM15064 Container: barrel, small drum with hole in base (URL) AM19590 Slope brick 33 2 x 3 with curved front edge (URL) AM72432 Slope brick 33 2 x 6 double / 45, left (URL) AM72433 Slope brick 33 2 x 6 (...) (10 years ago, 3-Feb-15, to, FTX)
  Re: Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
(...) Well, yes and no. The axle will fit pretty nicely in a 3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole, but the little wing-ish bits jutting from the sides are meant to engage with the teeth of one of the lock joint bricks. Thanks for looking! (10 years ago, 31-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Re: Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
(...) You've been busy with this stuff lately. :) Are those lock joints compatible with the similar lego parts? Or are they a separate connectivity class? Steve (10 years ago, 28-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM73225 Lock joint 2 x 2 brick, female (URL) AM73224 Lock Joint, elbow with axle, bottom (URL) AM73223 Lock Joint, elbow with axle, top (URL) AM09938 Tile 8 x 16 (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 28-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM16289Brick 1 x 5 x 1 with open back(URL) AM19158Connector, pin, small with stud(URL) AM74397Connector, pipe, small with pin(URL) AM18660Slope brick 45 1 x 2 with transverse handle(URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 25-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM17790 Brick 2 x 3 x 1.33 with curved top (URL) AM74657 Connector, small pipe 3 studs long double angle (URL) AM15298 Door 1 x 6 x 4 (URL) AM73227 Lock joint 2 x 4 brick, female:female (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 24-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AS0579802 Brick 1 x 6 black with six green window slots (URL) AM74120 Connector, clip with cylindrical grill (URL) AS9171212 Connector, clip with cylindrical grill, dark red detail (URL) AM75511 Connector, pipe, small crossbeam on long peg (URL) (...) (10 years ago, 19-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM18219 Brick 1 x 8 with curved top(URL) AM72944 Fixture: drawer 3 x 3(URL) AS91715116 Tile 1 x 8 with black and yellow caution stripes, left (URL) AS91715110 Tile 1 x 8 with black and yellow caution stripes, right (URL) Find out more at (URL) The (...) (10 years ago, 12-Jan-15, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM73403 Lock joint 2 x 3 brick, female:female with large axle (URL) AS9481602 Tile 1 x 1 trans-red with white ''FIRE'' lettering (URL) Find out more at (URL) The Bloks Forum!> (10 years ago, 19-Dec-14, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks Parts Catalog
AM75107 Brick 2 x 1.67 x 1 with ball joints, large and axle socket (URL) AM75096 Connector, beam with six holes and descending axle holes (URL) AM02065 Cylinder 3 x 3 x 24 tapered horizontal, base (URL) AM02064 Cylinder 3 x 3 x 24 tapered (...) (10 years ago, 1-Dec-14, to, FTX)
  Newest Additions to the Mega Bloks parts catalog
AM74406 Bar 1 x 4 double elbow (URL) AM75096 Connector, beam with six holes and descending axle holes (URL) AM18705 Plate 1 x 2 with horizonal pegs (URL) AM75109 Plate 1 x 5 rounded ends, 4 holes and axle hole on end (URL) AM19380 Plate 2 x 2 round (...) (10 years ago, 25-Nov-14, to, FTX)
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) Easy for you to say. It's not like I have my face on a Shirt, or even my fave on a mini-fig..... Oh wait. Nevermind. (10 years ago, 1-Jul-14, to, FTX)
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) You're still head of the B.E.D. Act accordingly! JOHN (10 years ago, 30-Jun-14, to, FTX)

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