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 Off-Topic / *54911 (-5)
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) Easy for you to say. It's not like I have my face on a Shirt, or even my fave on a mini-fig..... Oh wait. Nevermind. (11 years ago, 1-Jul-14, to, FTX)
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) You're still head of the B.E.D. Act accordingly! JOHN (11 years ago, 30-Jun-14, to, FTX)
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) I post, Dave Post, and Crickets.... The great and All Mighty John Neal Posts, and THEE Susan Rich comes out of hiding. I'm hurt. Nay, crushed off to lick my wounds. I need a hug (11 years ago, 30-Jun-14, to, FTX)
  Re: this is a test
(...) From mom, clearly. Don't perpetuate the patriarchy! (11 years ago, 28-Jun-14, to  
  Re: Hello, Crickets!
(...) There are no mods. As to why? Because we can't have nice things. (11 years ago, 28-Jun-14, to, FTX)  

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