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  Barbie's Apocryphal Dream Mech
Mobile infantry combat just got a whole lot more fabulous! This mighty mech can duke it out in style, standing up to anything that the enemy can throw at it. Twin shoulder-mounted rocket launchers can lead the assault from a distance, while the (...) (12 years ago, 6-Apr-13, to lugnet.announce,,, FTX)  
  UNSC Gopher
I present the all-apocryphal UNSC Gopher, a all-purpose light combat mech chock full of armaments. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 9 points of articulation plus the windscreen, I can tell you that much. Enjoy! (3 (...) (12 years ago, 16-Feb-13, to,, FTX)
  Re: TRU Faux Pas!
(...) She's been repping for 10 years? Wow. Maybe you're secretly trying to hit on her but you're just really slow. (12 years ago, 9-Feb-13, to,
  Re: TRU Faux Pas!
(...) You're not going to believe this, but I did the same thing to the same LEGO rep about four days ago in the very same TRU, though this time I asked about some upcoming Mega Bloks Halo products. Small world. (12 years ago, 9-Feb-13, to,
  Re: So now a change of opinion...
(...) Wow--we agree. Nice Dave K (12 years ago, 6-Feb-13, to

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