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  Re: Whatever happened to the "Lugnet Coming in Summer 2012"
(...) You missed it! It was pretty cool but it had to be turned off... I think someone complained. Then there was a study group formed but they couldn't agree what to study or how to talk so it all fizzled. (12 years ago, 18-Nov-12, to lugnet.general,, FTX)  
  UNSC Bullfrog
I present the all-apocryphal UNSC Bullfrog, a well-armored forward assault mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 9 points of articulation plus the windscreen & buzzsaw, I can tell you that much. (12 URLs) Thanks (...) (12 years ago, 28-Aug-12, to,, FTX) ! 
  Re: UNSC Gazelle
(...) Love it! Maybe i'll ship you all that left-over mega blok I have after sorting out my finds at garage sales, et al. Nicely done! good hearing from you as well :) Dave K (12 years ago, 10-Aug-12, to, FTX)
  Re: UNSC Kodiak
(...) Believe it or not, I just now spotted your reply. Thanks for the kind words--I figured it was about time that I posted some actual images, if only to prove that I actually do own some Mega Bloks. (12 years ago, 9-Aug-12, to, FTX)
  UNSC Gazelle
I present the apocryphal UNSC Gazelle, a light-duty anti-infantry mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 13 points of articulation plus the windscreen, I can tell you that much. (10 URLs) (12 years ago, 8-Aug-12, to,, FTX)
  Re: UNSC Kodiak
(...) Looks awesome! Great, lifelike renders! JOHN (12 years ago, 29-Jul-12, to, FTX)
  UNSC Kodiak
I present the apocryphal UNSC Kodiak, a medium-duty combat and utility mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 13 points of articulation plus the windscreen, I can tell you that much. Not thrilled with the first two (...) (12 years ago, 28-Jul-12, to,, FTX)  
  The WORLD Ended!!!!!!
Well, no it didn't. John and I were in the same room--even shook hands (there was other stuff, too, but what happened at BF2012 stays at BF2012...) Fantastic to finally meet the guy I've been winning arguements with for oh these so many years :) So (...) (12 years ago, 16-Jul-12, to  
  Re: Astronaut Builds LEGO Space Station Inside Real-Life Space Station
(...) Less than the one made from Megablox... :) (13 years ago, 27-Feb-12, to lugnet.general,  
  Re: FTX from Gnus?
(...) It seems to work, so now we expand with the X-Face header. ;-) Play well, Jacob (8 URLs) (13 years ago, 24-Feb-12, to, FTX)

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