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  UNSC Bullfrog
I present the all-apocryphal UNSC Bullfrog, a well-armored forward assault mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 9 points of articulation plus the windscreen & buzzsaw, I can tell you that much. (12 URLs) Thanks (...) (12 years ago, 28-Aug-12, to,, FTX) ! 
  Re: UNSC Gazelle
(...) Love it! Maybe i'll ship you all that left-over mega blok I have after sorting out my finds at garage sales, et al. Nicely done! good hearing from you as well :) Dave K (12 years ago, 10-Aug-12, to, FTX)
  Re: UNSC Kodiak
(...) Believe it or not, I just now spotted your reply. Thanks for the kind words--I figured it was about time that I posted some actual images, if only to prove that I actually do own some Mega Bloks. (12 years ago, 9-Aug-12, to, FTX)
  UNSC Gazelle
I present the apocryphal UNSC Gazelle, a light-duty anti-infantry mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 13 points of articulation plus the windscreen, I can tell you that much. (10 URLs) (12 years ago, 8-Aug-12, to,, FTX)
  Re: UNSC Kodiak
(...) Looks awesome! Great, lifelike renders! JOHN (12 years ago, 29-Jul-12, to, FTX)

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