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 Off-Topic / *54835 (-5)
  nntp broken?
Ok, so I can post via the web. The question remains: why can't I post via NNTP? I've been doing it successfully for 8 years. Is something broken on LUGNET? I can still read via NNTP, and when I post, the post is accepted, but I do not get a (...) (13 years ago, 2-Dec-11, to
  test post
I can't seem to post via NNTP. So, I'm trying via the web. My first web post! (13 years ago, 2-Dec-11, to
  Re: test
(...) Hey, at least I didnt make you cough. (...) Hey obb doesnt mind the occasional test. Trust me, I asked the founder. (13 years ago, 14-Oct-11, to
  Re: Thump, thump, thump...
(...) Steve... I thought trains went Choo choo!!! ;) (13 years ago, 11-Oct-11, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: test
(...) I really don't think the uncomfortable position involving the placing of one finger over another is really going to have an effect on this test ;) But it looks like it worked anyway... ROSCO FUT: o-t.test, because we know that's where it (...) (13 years ago, 10-Oct-11, to,  

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