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 Off-Topic / *54831 (-5)
  Re: test
(...) I really don't think the uncomfortable position involving the placing of one finger over another is really going to have an effect on this test ;) But it looks like it worked anyway... ROSCO FUT: o-t.test, because we know that's where it (...) (13 years ago, 10-Oct-11, to,  
  Re: Fishing for traffic?
(...) If no one is there to hear the glass brake, does it make a sound? ;) Yeah I know that was a H U G E stone in the glass house, as we say. :D But I tried to do it the nice way and hand over the curatorship to somebody for years without success. (...) (13 years ago, 23-Sep-11, to
  Fishing for traffic?
(...) I tell you, you are jumping into conclusiones. "Fishing for traffic from EB" - LOL! C'mon seriously, is that what you really believe? You must mean something like: "SweLUG is dead. Long live! SweLUG is dead. Long live! (...) (13 years ago, 16-Sep-11, to lugnet.cad.dat.models,
ABCD (14 years ago, 30-May-11, to
  Test new mail
Hello world! (14 years ago, 13-May-11, to

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