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 Off-Topic / *54826 (-5)
  Re: Hey, did anyone see Atlas Shrugged, The Movie?
(...) I've heard less than favorable reviews, but it actually didn't do badly in New York City and (I believe) Los Angeles. I guess the proof will be in its performance in subsequent weeks with wider release...? (14 years ago, 19-Apr-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Hey, did anyone see Atlas Shrugged, The Movie?
(...) Not yet. Debating. Cringing, actually... Budget of 15M and opening weekend gross reported at 1.67M Not spectacular but for 300 theatres, not bad? Not sure really. (14 years ago, 19-Apr-11, to, FTX)  
  Hey, did anyone see Atlas Shrugged, The Movie?
I mean seriously. Did anyone???? (14 years ago, 19-Apr-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Test posting
(...) Test #5. (14 years ago, 16-Apr-11, to
  Re: Test posting
(...) Test #4. (14 years ago, 16-Apr-11, to

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