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 Off-Topic / *54770 (-5)
  Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
(...) I'm still waiting for an explanation of the term "jonesing" from Dave! Speaking of dinosaurs and Daves, I have been in contact with 3 Daves in the past few days. Remember the time when everyone on Lugnet was named "Dave?" ;-) JOHN (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
(...) Eh? Koudys isn't that old. Explain. :) (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to,, FTX)  
  Re: Apocryphal Blacktron (I know you've been jonesing)
(...) My review of the Landshark is thusly: First off, I'm not hip enough to even know the meaning of "jonesing," but that aside, I like this AMOC you have created here, Dave! The proportions are pleasingly cute, like a Pixar character, which may (...) (14 years ago, 19-Jul-10, to,, FTX)
  Apocryphal Blacktron (I know you've been jonesing)
For quite a while I've wanted to build an smaller-scale battlesuit/mech, and I've finally come up with something. I can't actually put a minifig inside, due to the constraints of the shoulder and hip joints, but I still kind of like it. I present (...) (14 years ago, 19-Jul-10, to,, FTX)  
  Re: Toy Story Train: Life Imitating Art, or Not?
(...) Dude, did you just get all Hindu cosmology on me? JOHN (14 years ago, 18-Jul-10, to, FTX)

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