| | Re: Toy Story Train comments?
(...) Do your trains drive backwards? (15 years ago, 4-Jun-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | Re: Toy Story Train comments?
(...) And you probably drive on the wrong side of the road too (grin) Benn (15 years ago, 4-Jun-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | Mega Bloks Instruction Scans
I've begun working my way through my library of Mega Bloks instruction booklets and posting the scans online. If you're interested in the result, check it out over at The Bloks Forum: (URL) me know if you have any requests for older instruction (...) (15 years ago, 4-Jun-10, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
| | test new Ubuntu
New Ubuntu (10.04). Copied thunderbird stuff over. Reading works. Testing posting. (15 years ago, 3-Jun-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Test
Abc (15 years ago, 25-May-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)