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  brick design breakthrough
K'nex has now introduced in one of their aircraft line, two way friction pins for their bricks. Knex bricks are beveled at the top and bottom of the tubes allowing pins to clutch, unlike lego technic, which relies on the shape of the pin alone for (...) (15 years ago, 27-Aug-09, to
  Re: the 11 x 19 plate has arrived!!
(...) Don't have the ability to post pictures on my webtv box (I don't even own a computer) The new 500 piece Best Lock Town series Police Station has 3 of the above plates in white as well as a host of elements not seen before from TLG (15 years ago, 26-Aug-09, to
  Re: the 11 x 19 plate has arrived!!
(...) Cool. Do you have a picture? (15 years ago, 23-Aug-09, to
  Cerberus Shock Battle Tank - My first MOC on LUGNET
(URL) Exterior: (URL) turret variants and four hull to come on my MOCpages. More to come! (15 years ago, 2-Aug-09, to
  lxf to ldr converter
Hey, in a social network ( a member (Ulf Rupprecht) asked for tool to convert lxf (LDD) to ldraw files and I started researching. I ended by reading the entry from Duane Hess ((URL) 'I don't like having to use LDD as an intermediary when (...) (15 years ago, 20-Jul-09, to

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