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Testing ... (16 years ago, 24-Feb-09, to
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) It's just a turn of phrase. Richie Dulin CO Legeaux (16 years ago, 20-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) Not gone, I don't think, but not all that active anymore. DaveE (16 years ago, 19-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) I hear that he's an active overseer at Wikipedia now. (16 years ago, 19-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) And at least one of the .o-t curators seems to be long gone, but I could be wrong. Richie Dulin CO Legeaux (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to, FTX)

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