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Move along, nothing to see... There’s no newsgroup here.

But this IS the hub of the off-topic conspiracy... (shhh!)

Co conspirators:(1)
  • David Koudys
  • Larry Pieniazek
1 - er, co-curators I mean...

Off-topic (non-LEGO®) discussions

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  Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 7/31/2023)
AM81479 Brick 1 x 4 two-thirds-height with half-curved top <<https://brickshelf...1479.png>> AM80263 Connector: 0.5L bar terminating in ball joints <<https://brickshelf...0263.png>> AM81294 Connector: beam with 6 holes (...) (1 year ago, 5-Aug-23, to, FTX)  
  Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 5/31/2023)
AM77747 Bar, double: U-shape bent along length with mounting pin <<https://brickshelf...7747.png>> AS9681915 Brick 2 x 2 with ball joint and ball socket (assembled) <<https://brickshelf...1915.png>> AS9682014 Brick 2 x 2 with ball joint and ball (...) (2 years ago, 1-Jun-23, to, FTX)
  Latest Additions to the Parts Catalog (as of 5/1/2023)
AM74769 Brick 2 x 2 with large axle "<<https://brickshel...4769.png>> " AS097786 Brick 2 x 2 with large axle, black/black <<https://brickshelf...7786.png>> AS9600034 Brick 2 x 2 with large axle, dark brown/red <<https://brickshelf...0034.png>> (...) (2 years ago, 1-May-23, to, FTX)
  Re: Elian Gonzales
(...) I had to dust off some obscure 'How to use LUGNET' memories and read the entire thread. The Usual Suspects from Back in the Day (tm) were present in this thread which was awesome to read... The usual admonishment of ++Lars pontifications were (...) (2 years ago, 5-Apr-23, to, FTX)

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