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 Model Team / 728
    Re: MOC: All Terrain Crane —Thomas Avery
   (...) lifting cylinder. I know the excessiving bending of the axle is a little unsightly. Have you tried other axles? Are the black axles more stiff than the gray ones? I know that's a dumb question, and I should probably know the answer. But I (...) (22 years ago, 7-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
        Re: MOC: All Terrain Crane —Ross Crawford
   (...) Thanks! (...) Hmmm. I didnt even try that - just chose the grey cos it looked more like the steel of your average hydraulic ram 8?) Might try a red one too.... I actually thought about getting a steel rod & inserting into a plastic sleeve - (...) (22 years ago, 7-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
        Re: MOC: All Terrain Crane —Thomas Avery
   (...) Well, I don't want to go into *that* argument, but I feel string is one of those few items that's perfectly acceptable to substitute with non-LEGO materials :-) (...) No problemo. I highlighted your post last week, but couldn't reply then (...) (22 years ago, 7-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
        String is not against the 100% LEGO pureness. —Tobbe Arnesson
   (...) Agreed! (22 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
        Re: String is not against the 100% LEGO pureness. —Luis Hernández
   (...) Me too! I think rubberbands are other of those few items that can be substituted with non-Lego materials... anyway, the only difference (I think) is where the rubberband (or string in this case) was manufactured. And Ross, about the steel rod (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)
        Re: String is not against the 100% LEGO pureness. —Tobbe Arnesson
   <<snip>> (...) I hope he wants to add it into some contest that only accepts official Lego parts :) (URL) folks, MoTeC is still up and running. I've been busy a lot in autumn, summer was almost dead-LEGO-wise and I'm about to move to a bigger (...) (22 years ago, 9-Jan-03, to lugnet.modelteam, lugnet.technic)

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