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Re: Let's kick this off with a Simpsons reference
Mon, 5 Mar 2001 18:44:19 GMT
1313 times
There was another reference to Lego on the Simpson's a few seasons ago too.
The family when to an IKEA like store and in the restaurant the cutlery was
made of Lego.  Homer proceeded to eat everyone's meal by constructing a four
armed fork that would reach each persons plate in one stab.


Message is in Reply To:
  Let's kick this off with a Simpsons reference
As I'm sure many of us are aware, tonight's episode of The Simpsons featured a lightly-veiled LEGO reference. The family visited Block-o-land, an amusement park based on a plastic construction brick toy (a clone brand?), and in which the rides are (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-01, to lugnet.mediawatch)

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