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Re: SPIN magazine features The Brick Testament
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 05:13:39 GMT
1180 times
In lugnet.announce, Brendan Powell Smith writes:
Huzzah!  I'm famous!

The February issue of SPIN magazine (with KISS on the cover) has a full-page
feature about The Brick Testament on page 41.  It's the first page in their
Exposure section.

Kind of wish they'd given the right URL, but at least the photo looks nice.

-The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith

Wow, how many MOCs can say they made it to the newsstand?

I still wonder, what's the deal with one disciple having the big hair? It's
Matthew right? He looks singularly goofy, which is an asset, but why that one?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: SPIN magazine features The Brick Testament
(...) Big hair? Well, it's the Harry Potter minifig's hair, so if you think Harry Potter has big hair, then I guess Matthew does, too. I like to think of it more as a bowl cut, a la the early Beatles. As for why only Matthew of all the disciples was (...) (23 years ago, 6-Jan-02, to lugnet.mediawatch)

Message is in Reply To:
  SPIN magazine features The Brick Testament
Huzzah! I'm famous! The February issue of SPIN magazine (with KISS on the cover) has a full-page feature about The Brick Testament on page 41. It's the first page in their Exposure section. Kind of wish they'd given the right URL, but at least the (...) (23 years ago, 4-Jan-02, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.mediawatch, !! 

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