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LEGO Creator Modular Brick Bank Set 10251
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lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general
Sun, 11 Oct 2015 10:30:03 GMT
40256 times
LEGO Creator Modular Brick Bank set 10251

10251 Brick Bank
Ages 16+. 2,380 pieces.

Price: US $169.99 – CA $219.99 – DE 149.99€ – UK £119.99 – DK 1399.00 DKK

• Euro pricing varies by country. Please visit for regional pricing.

Make a safe deposit at the Brick Bank!

Make a secure deposit at the highly respected Brick Bank, featuring an array of intricate details and hidden surprises. Easy-to-remove building sections provide access to the detailed interior, comprising a bank with an atrium foyer, tiled floor, arched windows, ornate chandelier, lockable vault and a transaction counter with security glass; a laundromat with printed window, tiled floor and 4 laundry machines; plus 2 second-floor offices with an array of detailed furniture, fixtures and accessories. The exterior of the building features a detailed sidewalk and an elaborate façade with carving and statue décor, decorative roofline, large arched windows, central balcony, clock and an accessible roof terrace featuring a large skylight.

• Includes 5 minifigures: a bank manager, secretary, teller, and a mom and child.

• The Brick Bank features a bank, secretary’s office, bank manager’s office, laundromat and a detailed façade and sidewalk.

• Bank features an atrium foyer with wide, arched entrance, triangular-patterned floor tiling, ornate chandelier, oxidized-copper colored skylight, transaction counter with hidden alarm buttons and security glass, and a bank vault with safe deposit boxes and a large round door.

• Laundromat features a printed window, tiled floor and 4 laundry machines.

• Secretary’s office features a wall clock, desk, typewriter, cabinet with opening drawers, fireplace and an espresso machine.

• Bank manager’s office features a large desk with banker’s lamp and approval stamp, leather-look chair, printed portrait, statue and a cabinet.

• Accessory elements include a mug, document, camera, candy, blank white paper, chrome-golden coins, 1 chrome- golden bar and banknotes.

• Remove the building sections to access the detailed interior.

• Unlock the bank vault to access the safe deposit boxes.

• Visit the laundromat for a spot of laundering.

• Stack coins with the coin counting machine.

• Special elements include a printed prize check, printed ground-floor windows, a special printed portrait in the bank manager’s office, plus rare, sand-blue and dark-green bricks, and sand-green window frames.

• Collect and build an entire town with the LEGO® Creator Expert Modular Building series 10243 Parisian Restaurant and 10246 Detective’s Office.

• Brick Bank measures over 10” (26cm) high, 10” (25cm) wide and 10” (25cm) deep.

Available January 2016 released.

Source: The LEGO Group

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