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LEGOLAND® Dubai to open in 2016
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, lugnet.legoland
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,
Tue, 5 Nov 2013 16:00:23 GMT
34987 times
LEGOLAND Dubai to open in 2016

LEGOLAND Dubai is set to open in 2016, according to Merlin Entertainments, as reported by Emirates 24I7. As per officials, the LEGOLAND Dubai will be opened under a deal in which it would be funded by third parties, which includes Meraas Holding.

“The group has also entered into an agreement with, amongst others, Meraas Malls to develop and operate LEGOLAND Dubai under this operating model,” Merlin said.

“The initial development and construction of LEGOLAND Dubai is being funded by third parties. Merlin has the right to manage and operate the park for an initial term of 25 years, once open,” it added.

The contract was signed in 2012, said the prospectus information. In a statement, issued in June, it was said Meraas has launched Motion Gate, featuring a movie-based theme park, a Bollywood themed park and a LEGOLAND theme park that will be located within its master-development in Jebel Ali.


-end of report-

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