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Re: LEGO® set 10241 Maersk Line Triple-E
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,
Thu, 3 Oct 2013 21:57:22 GMT
44033 times
Unfortunately it appears that Medium Azure (as the color is called in the Bricklink Database) is a new color that will likely replace Maersk blue.

While this color does more closely resemble the actual recent color of the new Maersk line of ships... the parts won’t have quite the allure and “exclusivity” that Maersk blue had. :(

So I would think that Maersk blue may end up as a retired color... since non Maersk LEGO products cannot have this Moller-Maersk trademarked color.

Get your Maersk colored LEGO while supplies last!

Gary Istok

P.S. Here’s a little background on Maersk and their early years with TLG (from my next DVD/download)...

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO® set 10241 Maersk Line Triple-E
LEGO® set 10241 Maersk Line Triple-E The set was officially unveiled at LEGO Fan Weekend in Skærbæk. Ages 12+. 1,518 pieces. Build the Maersk ‘Triple-E’ container vessel – a true giant of the seas! US $149.99 CA $179.99 DE 129.99 € UK 109.99 £ DK (...) (11 years ago, 3-Oct-13, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,, lugnet.licensed, FTX)  

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