We're pleased to announce the creation of a new discussion area for
sightings of the LEGO Company, its products, and the community in the media
(TV, movies, print media, etc.).
Any time you see LEGO mentioned in the media (anywhere worldwide), feel free
to tell the world about it by posting to lugnet.mediawatch (and feel free to
crosspost to lugnet.announce and/or lugnet.general with followups to
lugnet.mediawatch if it's really a huge deal that everyone in the community
will want to hear about).
In addition to being fun, over time the group will serve as a long-term
chronicle of LEGO appearances. There are probably hundreds per year across
all media.
Of course, as usual, please be careful not to post actual copies of
copyrighted materials without permission of the author or owner.
BTW, Christopher Tracey maintains an ever-growing set of informational pages
called "LEGO Appearances in the Media":
-> lugnet.mediawatch (group):
Sightings of LEGO Company, its products, and the community (people,
sites, etc.) in the media: cinema/film/movies, television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, books and literature, video and computer games,
advertising, etc.
To participate via NNTP (netnews), point your newsreader here:
or news://lugnet.com:1119/lugnet.mediawatch
or news://lugnet.com:8000/lugnet.mediawatch
or news://lugnet.com:8080/lugnet.mediawatch
To participate via HTTP (web interface), point your web browser here:
To subscribe via SMTP (e-mail), point your web browser here:
To register for posting to any LUGNET group (if you haven't yet done so),
point your web browser here:
--Todd & Suz
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