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Queens University (Kingston) to try breaking bridge record
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:00:04 GMT
11581 times
I found this (FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2005) and haven’t seen it posted.

“The team is working to accumulate enough Lego blocks to build a bridge spanning up to six metres—surpassing efforts of a previous team who built a three-metre bridge.”

“Chase explained the bridge—which the team will build in January—will be left intact for a week before it’s disassembled for a tour of Kingston elementary schools and First Nations reserves. At each stop, the team will hold workshops on bridge design.”

“When the tour ends, all the Lego will be donated to the schools the team visited in First Nations communities.”

It also mentions they will be using over 500,000 blocks.

-Rob A>

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