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 MediaWatch / *1347 (-10)
  So that's the end of Mindstorms then?
(...) So that's the end of Mindstorms then? Scott A Have you had a look at Arthurs Seat Yet? (2 URLs) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch,, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
  Re: Lego changes strategy
(...) This mentions reducing the top management structure from 14 to 9 people. Does anyone know where Brad Justice fits into this picture? Steve (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Lego changes strategy
The official TLC announcement: (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Lego changes strategy
(...) (URL) hope we get more designer-like sets in the future! Pedro (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Lego changes strategy
(...) Really? I though the HP and Star Wars are good ideas. However, I think moving away from the Galidor castle crap is a good idea. -Anne (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)
  LLCA Master Model Builder Search Article In Los Angeles Times
This is in the California section of today's Los Angeles Times. You can get it on the Los Angeles Times web site, but registration is required. Here is the link to the article: (URL) I post a copy of the article? C (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
  Lego changes strategy
I read in the paper today (URL) the director of lego is fired, as he should change it from a negative business to a positive, which (he) has failed. He is fires and Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen will take over, and lego will "go back to the brick", no more (...) (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Wonder where the head came from?
(URL) think they must be part of a giant figure store thing. Calum (21 years ago, 8-Jan-04, to, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Chrysler "Lego-look-alike" Jeep
(URL) times the words 'lego-look-alike" appears in the article. Though, to me, the picture shown looks nothing like the 8466, if, indeed, that's what it is suppose to look like. Dave K (21 years ago, 5-Jan-04, to, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: TLC Clean Sweep
(...) Ouch. Yeah that's an even more brutal show for the Lego collector to be on than While you were Out or Trading Spaces. However, I have to wonder about how into the brick he was then. For example, my wife's said that she'd love to have them do (...) (21 years ago, 5-Jan-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)

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