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 Marketplace / Shopping / 9255
  Re: OH BABY 20% off
(...) First off - thank you Larry, I just used that code at and it saved me 10$. Next, they have added the UCS Yoda 7194. At 20%off that makes it 79.99. Also if you go over $99 they offer free shipping. Thanks again Larry. Tom Oh yeah, (...) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to
  Re: OH BABY 20% off
(...) You are all welcomed. Here is a questions to throw out to the group. On brickshelf there is a couple of different folders of people showing off their buys. Why does a person need 20 or more of a particular set? They only series that I bought (...) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to
  Re: OH BABY 20% off
(this same message was posted in response to someone else asking the same question) As some of the pictures you mentioned are obviously mine, let me explain: Why are the sets purchased? The sets are purchased at deep discount in large quantities so (...) (23 years ago, 29-Mar-02, to,
  Re: 20% off - no more
As of Thursday evening, Pacific Time, the code no longer works. Paul Sinasohn LUGNET #115 (...) (23 years ago, 29-Mar-02, to

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